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How to boost your odds of winning the lottery

Dreaming of hitting the jackpot? You’re not alone! While the lottery is all about luck, you might wonder if there’s a savvy way to increase your number of chances without breaking the bank.

Well, the answer is Lotto Systems!

These systems allow you to play with more numbers than the standard ticket, giving you a way to cover more combinations and get more chances to win compared to a standard game, all in one go.

What is a Lotto System?

Imagine if you could play the lottery with a little extra edge, not by changing the odds, but by cleverly choosing more numbers than usual. That’s where Lotto Systems come into play!

The advantage they have over a standard ticket is that they increase your chances of winning by letting you cover more number combinations in one go. It’s like having multiple lottery tickets in one, giving you more chances to win compared to just playing a standard ticket.

Woman holding australian money

Lotto Systems boost your chances in popular lotteries like Mega Millions by allowing you to pick more or fewer numbers than usual. For example, instead of the standard 5 numbers, you could choose up to 10, increasing your winning possibilities with more number combinations.

Opting for fewer numbers, like 4, grants you 66 chances to win, far surpassing the single chance offered by a standard ticket. Plus, there’s an option to ensure the Mega number is included, akin to playing 25 regular games.

At the Lottery Office, we make Lotto Systems available for the USA Mega Lotto, despite the matching US Mega Millions not directly offering this option. By playing through us, we purchase the equivalent number of standard games in the Mega Millions, ensuring you receive any winnings equivalent to the same amount we collect from the overseas lottery.

How Lotto Systems Give You an Edge!

  • Time-saver
  • Cover more ground with one entry!
  • Chance to win multiple prizes across multiple divisions.

Let’s say in a normal lottery game, you pick 6 numbers. With a Lotto System, you can pick an extra number (or more!), which lets you play all the combinations those numbers can make.

So, if you pick 7 numbers with a Lotto System, you’re essentially playing multiple tickets at once. More tickets, more chances to win – it’s as simple as that! Not only that but this also means you have a chance to win multiple prizes across multiple divisions!

Lotto Systems are a pretty smart move because of how they simplify playing multiple combinations. Instead of buying heaps of tickets one by one, you can cover more ground with just one entry. It’s a time-saver and a neat way to increase your shots at winning.

Take for example one of The Lottery Office’s winners from early October in 2023 who took home $52,473! He snagged 26 wins in just one draw of our USA Power Lotto! He played a Guaranteed Power lotto system game which is the equivalent of buying 26 standard games, and this brought him 1 division 3 win of AUD $48,557 alongside a whopping 25 division 4 wins of $3,916!

Garaunteed Numbers and ‘Pick 1 Less’ Features

When you play with The Lottery Office, you can use options like ‘Guaranteed Power’ or ‘Guaranteed Lucky Stars,’ which automatically cover all possible combinations for certain parts of your ticket. It’s like making sure you’ve got all bases covered, without having to pick each combination yourself!

Also, have you ever heard of the ‘Pick 1 Less’ option? It’s quite a handy strategy where you pick one less number, and the system covers all possible combinations for that missing number. It’s a straightforward way to boost your chances, making your lottery play a bit more exciting.

How to Play Lotto Systems

Getting started with a Lotto System is a breeze:

  1. Pick your favourite lottery game.
  2. Choose the ‘Lotto System’ option when you’re selecting your numbers.
  3. Decide how many numbers you want to play with, then pick your numbers (or let the system pick for you).
  4. Check out, and you’re all set!

While we can’t change the odds of the lottery, Lotto Systems and strategies like ‘Guaranteed Numbers’ and ‘Pick 1 Less’ offer a clever way to play more combinations without the hassle of juggling tons of tickets. It’s all about giving yourself more opportunities to win, wrapped up in a neat bow.

Overall, Lotto Systems are a great option for anyone looking to play the lottery in a fun and slightly more strategic way. They’re available for all our international lotteries, so why not give it a shot?

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