The Lottery Office Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy sets out the principles undertaken by Global Players Network Pty Ltd (The Company) in the management of personal information of individual visitors and registered players of the Lottery Office website, (the Website) operated by The Company. By using the Website, you agree to this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions.

The Company is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information of individual visitors and registered players of lotteries via the Website (Registered Players). The Company is bound by the Australian Privacy Principals set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Act). We will only collect, use or disclose information in accordance with this Act and this Privacy Policy.


Collection of Personal Information

The Company will only collect information about a visitor to the Website where it is provided directly from that visitor to The Company (with the exception of non-identifiable click-stream and cookie data provided automatically via the Website). A visitor will be unable to use the Website to play any lotteries unless and until they become a Registered Player.

A Registered Player is required to set up an online account on the Website (Online Account) and in doing so, will be required to provide their full name, address, date of birth, e-mail address, and mobile number. To fund the Online Account, a Registered Player will need to submit payment via credit or debit card, BPay or other methods made available. Credit and debit card details are not stored by The Company but are encrypted at the processing bank where The Company does not have access to them. A Registered Player may also need to provide proof of identity if required by The Company.

If an individual does not provide the information necessary to set up the Online Account and become a Registered Player, they will not be able to participate in lotteries via the Website.

The Company also collects information from individuals via publicly available sources including via communications from individuals on The Company’s social media sites. The Company may have occasion to collect information about the individual from a third party, in accordance with and as allowed by the Act. For example:

  • Companies contracted by us to improve our products and services or to ensure quality assurance; or
  • List brokerage and list owners in the rental or purchase of lists.

Where applicable, records of individuals who do not set up an Online Account within a certain timeframe (i.e. 3 months after initial offer) will be deleted. A Registered Player may also close their Online Account at any time by changing their account status under ‘My Settings’ or by contacting our Customer Service Team.

Clickstream Data

When you visit our Website, our servers may also record the following information for statistical purposes:

  • server (IP) address and machine name
  • location details such as longitude, latitude, city, region and country
  • date and time of visit to the site
  • top level domain name
  • pages accessed and documents downloaded
  • number of bytes transmitted and received for each request
  • previous site or page visited
  • search terms used
  • the type of browser used
  • the type of device used

The Company examines this information to determine the traffic through the server and to specific pages or applications and may use this information to perform statistical analysis to establish priorities and allocate resources.

No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except if required by law enforcement.


A Cookie is a piece of information that our web server may send to your machine when you visit the Website. The Cookie is stored on your machine, but does not identify you or give us any information about you. A Cookie helps us to recognise you when you re-visit our Website and to co-ordinate your access to different pages on the Website. With most internet browsers, you can erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies, or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored.

Use and Disclosure

The Company will only use or disclose personal information for the purpose which was either specified or reasonably apparent at the time of collection. The Company may also use or disclose personal information for any other related purpose for which such information would reasonably be expected to be used, to the extent permitted by the Act.

One of the essential uses for personal information is so that The Company can ensure that individuals are legally entitled to use our services in accordance with our Government licence and regulatory provisions. This includes ensuring that individuals are of majority age and are legally entitled to participate in our gaming services.

Personal information is also used for the purposes of operating our Responsible Gaming Policy as referred to in the Terms and Conditions. As well as restricting players to the advised spending limits our aim is to prevent the gambling of our players from having a detrimental effect on their lifestyle and that of their families. Most importantly we use personal information to prevent minors from using our lottery services.

The Company will also use personal information about an individual as reasonably necessary to:

  • Set up and facilitate the Online Account for a Registered Player;
  • Ensure the effective administration of lottery participation, recording expenditure and winnings, history of gameplay and outcomes, bonuses earned and expended and all detailed customer service records;
  • make contact for the purposes of alerting a Registered Player about upcoming lottery jackpots and relevant lottery draw outcomes;
  • Consider applications, enquiries and approaches made by an individual to The Company including Registered Player support requests;
  • Maintain a Registered Player’s contact details;
  • Fulfil The Company’s legal obligations under applicable laws and rules including to satisfy any legal process, subpoena or governmental request;
  • Contact an individual regarding comments, issues, concerns or statements made via The Company’s social media sites;
  • Enforce the Website Terms and Conditions including the investigations of possible violations of them;
  • Identify, prevent or address fraudulent activity, security or technical issues;
  • Protect the rights of The Company, its users or the public; and
  • To conduct market research and sales and other marketing activities.

Direct Marketing

Where and as permitted by the Act, The Company may also use personal information to send marketing or promotional materials. Anyone can opt-out from receiving marketing notifications via email and SMS by changing the notification settings on the Website under ‘My Account’, by choosing to unsubscribe from such communications, or by contacting our Customer Service Team.

The Company may disclose Registered Player information to:

  • Third parties, such as service providers, engaged by The Company to perform functions on behalf of The Company such as ID verification, processing credit card payments, IT, security, finance, marketing, research, legal compliance and advertising;
  • Law enforcement agencies and governments worldwide for security purposes and regulatory compliance.

Security and Storage of Personal Information

The Company will take reasonable steps to protect personal information collected and ensure such information is accurate and complete. Information is held on secure servers or within controlled environments (e.g. in The Company’s offices, on hard drives or with selected third party service providers). Employees of The Company are required to maintain the confidentiality of any personal information held by The Company.

With regard to International Credit Card regulations, The Company is governed by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard which, amongst other things, requires The Company to be compliant with required PCI procedures and standards for the protection of customers. This includes a periodic assessment program to undergo validation processes including independent tests and reporting.

The Northern Territory Government also reviews and approves company security control systems.

Access, Correction, Deletion and Accountability of Personal Information Retained

Individuals have the right to seek access to and correction of their personal information held by The Company and to advise us of any inaccuracy. There are exceptions to these rights as set out in the Act, and access may be denied if such an exception applies.

If an individual requests access or correction to information relating to the individual, the Company will ask the individual to verify their identity and specify the nature of their request. The Company may charge a fee to cover the costs of meeting the request, where permitted by the Act. Any request will be dealt with in a reasonable timeframe.

Information may be obtained or corrected by referring to company contact details on the Contact Us page or at the conclusion of this policy.

Customer Service Consultants are trained to confirm and update where necessary, contact details of individuals.

Individuals may request the deletion of their personal information at any time by contacting the Company on the details set out below. Any request will be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

Transfer of Personal Information Overseas

The Company does not transfer personal information outside of Australia. However, in the event of a disaster situation, The Company will use a cloud-based disaster recovery site that is hosted outside of Australia and its database, including personal information stored therein, will transfer outside of Australia in that event.

Concerns and Complaints

If an individual has a complaint about a breach of our Privacy Policy, the Act or any other applicable code, or requires further information about this subject, they can contact The Company:

Via e-mail:

Via Live Chat

The Company takes any such concerns seriously and will generally respond within 7 business days of receipt. If you are not satisfied with the Company’s response, you may contact the office of the Australian Information Commissioner to lodge a complaint at:

Or in writing at:

GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001

Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Company may, as necessary, review and update this Privacy Policy due to changes in law, technology or business operations. All changes will be posted to this page, without notice and you should therefore check this page for updates from time to time. All personal information held by The Company will be governed by this Privacy Policy.

Written copies of this Policy will be provided to individuals who contact The Company:

Via e-mail:

Via Live Chat