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5 Wrong Lottery beliefs that are holding you back

When it comes to playing the lottery, there are a fair few misconceptions and wrong beliefs floating about. From skeptics doubting whether anyone ever truly wins to the ongoing debate about whether lucky numbers actually improve your odds, we’re here to dispel the myths and shed light on the wrong lottery beliefs that could be holding you back.

1. Nobody ever actually wins

A common misconception is that nobody actually ever wins the lottery. Many people tend to believe that the stories of winners are fabricated. This doubt often arises from the fact that winning the lottery has incredibly low odds and that very few people personally know someone who has won the lottery. But this doubt does not reflect reality.

When a lucky player wins one of our international lotteries, we have the pleasure of giving them a life-changing call to deliver the exciting news. During these conversations, we can hear genuine joy and excitement in their voices, and they often share their plans for how they intend to use their newfound wealth.

Take, for example, the heartwarming story of a mother of three who resides in NSW. She won an impressive sum of $49,591 last year in our USA Power Lotto Christmas Eve draw! She shared with us her plans to embark on a memorable family holiday.

You can check out some stories on our lottery winners here.

2. Too many people play, therefore reducing the odds of winning

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the more people who play the lottery, the slimmer your chances of winning become. But here’s a little lottery truth bomb: the number of players has absolutely no impact on your odds of hitting the jackpot.

Group of people on their phones

Think of it this way – the lottery is all about the chances of picking the winning numbers. Each lottery ticket is like a tiny island, existing independently in a rather vast ocean of possibilities.

Whether it’s just you and a handful of others casting your lot in a Syndicate, or you’re up against a nation of hopefuls, your ticket holds the same potential to be the chosen one.

The real game-changer with more players is not about winning; it’s about sharing. More players might mean you’ll have to split that impressive jackpot, but it certainly doesn’t affect the likelihood of winning in any way.

3. Quick pick tickets have lower chances of winning

Another common misconception among lottery players is the belief that quick pick tickets — where numbers are randomly generated — have lower chances of winning compared to selecting your own numbers. This belief is unfounded and misleading.

In reality, the odds of winning a lottery are determined solely by the game’s structure and not by the method of number selection. Each number combination has an equal chance of being drawn, regardless of whether it’s hand-picked or computer-generated.

Therefore, opting for a quick pick does not decrease your odds of hitting the jackpot. In fact, statistics show that a substantial number of lottery winners have won with quick pick tickets. This highlights that success in the lottery is a matter of chance and probability, and not influenced by the method of choosing numbers.

4. Winning lottery numbers seem to have a pattern!

Whilst analysis over winning lottery numbers may seem to highlight numbers that get drawn more often than others, the reality that each number has the same odds of being drawn is still set in stone.

So, even though it might seem like some lottery numbers come up more than others, every number has the same chance of being picked. The idea that there’s a pattern to which numbers win is not true. Winning the lottery is all about luck and chance, no special patterns or tricks can give an insight into which numbers will be drawn next.

5. Misunderstanding of Averages

Many people mistakenly believe that in the lottery, if certain numbers haven’t come up in a while, they’re due to appear soon. This wrong belief comes from a misunderstanding of the Law of Averages, thinking that outcomes in random events will even out over time.

However, lottery draws are completely random and independent from each other. Each set of numbers has the same odds of winning, no matter what happened in previous draws. So, believing that playing the same numbers continuously will increase the chances of winning because they’re “due” is a misconception.

In reality, every lottery draw is a new game with no connection to the last, making each outcome equally unpredictable.

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